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邮箱: richard@dhu.edu.cn

研究兴趣: 国际贸易制度


       张斌,上海市人,东华大学QMH球盟会app教授,博士,硕士研究生导师,主要研究领域:多边和区域贸易规则、国际经贸关系。主持并完成国家社科基金一般项目2项、国家社科基金青年项目1项、上海市教委科研创新重点项目1项、上海市教委/上海市新闻出版局“上海高校服务国家重大战略出版工程”项目1项,参与国家和省部级课题多项。独立出版中文专著3部、英文专著1部,在《国际贸易问题》《世界经济研究》《世界经济与政治论坛》《国际经贸探索》等刊物第一作者发表论文60余篇,多篇为中国人民大学复印报刊资料和《高等学校文科学术文摘》转载。研究成果获省部级奖励5项 。  


  • 2001.09-2005.07  经济学, 上海社会科学院世界经济研究所, 博士

  • 1994.09-1998.01  管理工程,东华大学, 硕士

  • 1987.09-1991.07  英美语言文学, 上海外国语大学, 学士


  • 2014.09至今     东华大学QMH球盟会app,教授,硕士生导师

  • 2005.09- 2014.09  东华大学QMH球盟会app,副教授,硕士生导师

  • 2014.1-2020.9    东华大学QMH球盟会app经济与贸易系主任

  • 1997.08- 2005.08  东华大学QMH球盟会app,讲师

  • 1991.07- 1996.08  东华大学QMH球盟会app,助教


  • 2016.08-2016.11  Business School, Queensland University of Technology, 访问教授

  • 2009.01-2009.07  Bill and Vieve Gore School of Business, Westminster College, 访问教授



  • “SOE Provisions in IIAs: Evolution and Comparison of U.S and European Styles”, 《国际商务研究》(International Business Study), Issue 2, 2021

  • “The Principle of Commercial Considerations in Trade Agreements: Evolution and Practice of Rules”, 《上海对外经贸大学学报》(Journal of Shanghai University of International Business and Economics),Vo. 27, Issue 4, 2020

  • “Import Commitments in International Trade Agreements: History and Status Quo” ,《国际经贸探索》(International Economics and Trade Research), Issue 6, 2020

  • “The Benchmark for Measuring Subsidies: An Economic Analysis”, Journal of WTO and China, Vol. 4, No.3, 2014 (in English)

  • “External Benchmark in Anti-subsidy Investigations against China: A Statistical Analysis and Comparison of Historical Cases in 2004-2013, 《国际贸易问题》(Journal of International Trade), Vol. 380, August 2014

  • “The External Benchmark: An Alternative to the Surrogate Price”, 《世界经济研究》(World Economic Study), Issue 9,  2013

  • “The External Benchmark in CVD Investigations: A Statistical Analysis of U.S Historical Cases(1980-2012) against Market Economies”, 《国际经贸探索》(International Economics and Trade Research), Issue 8, 2013

  • “India’s Non-market Economy Treatment of China in Anti-dumping Investigation: A Statistical Analysis of Historical Cases 1994-2009”, 《国际经贸探索》(International Economics and Trade Research), Issue 4, 2011

  • “India’s Non-Market-Economy Treatment of China in Anti-Dumping Investigations: A Sectoral Analysis of Historical Cases 1994-2009”, 《国际商务研究》(International Business Study), Issue 3,   2011

  • “The Principle of Reciprocity in the Multilateral Trading System”, 《国际商务研究》(International Business Study), Issue 1,   2011

  • “The Determination of Subsidy Provider in CVD Investigation: An International Comparison”, 《WTO动态与研究》(WTO Focus), Issue 1, 2011

  • “The Determination of ‘Government’ and ‘Public Body’ in CVD Investigations: an international comparison”, 《上海市社会科学界第八届学术年会文集》(Collected Articles of the 8th Academic Conference of Shanghai Social Sciences),Vol. 31, 2010, Shanghai People’s Press

  • “The U.S. Trade Adjustment Assistance Program: Evolution, Implementation and Outcome”, 《世界经济研究》(World Economic Study), Issue 1,  2010

  • “Analyzing Doha Round Rules Negotiation on Subsidy Benefit and Its Calculation Benchmark”, 《WTO动态与研究》(WTO Focus), Issue 7, 2009

  • “Price Comparison Benchmark in U.S. CVD Investigations against China”, 《国际经贸探索》(International Economics and Trade Research), Issue 5, 2009

  • “Evolution of the ‘Non-market-Economy’ Arrangement of the Multilateral Trading  System:  A  Two-dimensional-game Approach”, 《世界经济研究》(World Economic Study), Issue 1,  2006

  • “Participating in the Multilateral Trading System: the Current Situation of Developing Countries and the Strategy for China”,  《上海市社会科学界第四届学术年会文集》(Collected Articles of the 4th Academic Conference of Shanghai Social Sciences),Vol. 6, 2006, Shanghai People’s Press

  • “The Market Opening of India’s Service Industry: Current Situation and Developing Trend”, 《世界经济与政治论坛》(Forum of  World Economy and Politics), Issue 2, 2006

  • “The Non-market Economies’ Participation in the Multilateral Trading System: History, the Current Situation and the Strategy for China”, 《国际商务研究》(International Business Study), Issue 5,   2006

  • “A Reexamination on the ‘Nonmarket-Economy’ Arrangement of  the Multilateral Trading System: Connotation, Essence and Evolution” 《上海市社会科学界第三届学术年会文集》(Collected Articles of the 3rd Academic Conference of Shanghai Social Sciences),Vol. 3, 2005, Shanghai People’s Press

  • “U.S. Textile Safeguard Policy toward China: Current Situation and Developing Trend”, 《WTO动态与研究》(WTO Focus), Issue 7, 2005

  • “China’s Status and Role in the Global Multilateral Trading System”, in  Economic Power: The Trend and Objective of China’s Peaceful Rise, edited by Zhang You-wen and Xu Ming-qi, People’s Press, 2004

  • “A Study on the Implementation of WTO Transitional Review Mechanism for China”, 《WTO动态与研究》(WTO Focus), Issue 12, 2004

  • “The Institutional Change of the Multilateral Trading System: An International Regime Perspective”, 《世界经济研究》(World Economic Study),Issue 7, 2003

  • “Establishing National Economic-Security-Related Industrial Organization”, in WTO and China’s National Economic Security, edited by Wang Xin-kui, Shanghai People’s Press, 2003


  • Zhang, B. (2021). The Competitive Neutrality of State-owned Enterprises: Evolution and Comparison of Rules, Shanghai People’s Press. (中文)

  • Zhang, B. (2018). The Evolution of the Non-market Economy Treatment in the Multilateral Trading System, Springer Nature Singapore Pte Ltd. (英文)

  • Zhang, B. (2015). The Benchmark for Measuring Subsidy Benefits: An International Comparison of Rules and Practices, Donghua University Press. (中文)

  • Zhang, B. (2011). The Non-Market-Economy Treatment: History and Reality, Shanghai People’s Press. (中文)


  • 2016-2019  国有企业竞争中立政策研究,国家社科基金一般项目,负责人

  • 2011-2014  反补贴价格比较基准问题研究, 国家社科基金一般项目,负责人

  • 2006-2010  “非市场经济”国家与多边贸易体制的政治经济关系研究, 国家社科基金青年项目,负责人

  • 2004-2008  中国在WTO体制中的“非市场经济”地位研究, 国家社科基金重点项目,参与人

  • 2007-2009  WTO框架下中国的补贴与反补贴问题及对上海产业发展的影响, 上海市社科规划项目,参与人

  • 2002-2004  多哈发展议程:议题与对策,上海市社科规划项目,参与人

  • 2007-2008  国际产业转移背景下中国纺织服装产业升级研究, 教育部人文社科研究项目,参与人

  • 2006--2009  全球化背景下中国沿海地区产业集群技术升级与可持续发展研究, 教育部人文社科研究项目, 参与人


  • 2018 商务部全国商务发展研究成果奖三等奖

  • 2016 上海市第十三届哲学社会科学优秀成果奖二等奖

  • 2013 商务部全国商务发展研究成果奖三等奖

  • 2012 上海市第十一届哲学社会科学优秀成果奖一等奖

  • 2010 商务部第六届中国贸易救济与产业安全研究奖三等奖

  • 2006 上海市社会科学界第四届学术年会优秀论文

  • 2005 上海市社会科学界第三届学术年会优秀论文


  • 本科生:国际贸易,世界经济,国际服务贸易

  • 研究生:论文写作指导


  • 2010年至今  上海国际贸易学会会员

  • 2005年至今  上海世界经济学会会员