
办公室: 旭日楼 503

邮箱: ffzheng@dhu.edu.cn

研究兴趣: 运筹与优化、生产实时调度、供应链协同调度




  • 2003.09-2006.11  管理科学与工程专业,西安交通大学QMH球盟会app,博士

  • 2001.09-2003.06  管理科学与工程专业,西安交通大学QMH球盟会app,硕士

  • 1994.09-1998.07  信息管理专业,西安交通大学QMH球盟会app,学士


  • 2014.09-至今,东华大学QMH球盟会app,教授,博导(2013.07

  • 2021.03-2021.09,东华大学科学技术研究院人文社科处处长

  • 2017.05-2021.04,东华大学QMH球盟会app,副院长

  • 2012.03-2014.08  东华大学QMH球盟会app,副教授

  • 2010.03-2012.02  西安交通大学QMH球盟会app,副教授

  • 2006.12-2010.02  西安交通大学QMH球盟会app,讲师


  • 2017.07-2017.07,法国埃夫里大学,访问学者

  • 2016.01-2017.01,美国纽约大学Stern商学院,访问学者

  • 2009.02-2009.04,美国德州大学奥斯汀分校,Research Fellow

  • 2008.07-2008.09,香港城市大学,Research Fellow

  • 2007.06-2007.11,香港城市大学,Senior Research Associate

  • 2005.07-2005.12,香港城市大学,Research Assistant

  • 2004.01-2004.06,香港城市大学,Research Assistant


  • 2023  上海市东方英才计划拔尖项目(教育平台)

  • 2021  “闽江学者奖励计划”讲座教授

  • 2020  宝钢“优秀教师”奖

  • 2019  “2018年度东华大学科研组织管理工作先进个人”荣誉称号

  • 2014  “上海市人才发展资金资助计划”

  • 2013  东华大学“励志计划”(A类)

  • 2013  中国运筹学会不确定系统分会“运筹新人奖”

  • 2012  教育部新世纪优秀人才支持计划(NCET-12-0824)

  • 2010  西安交通大学人文社会科学优秀科研工作者

  • 2009  全国优秀博士学位论文提名论文

  • 2009  运输管理中占线问题的竞争策略研究,陕西高等学校科学技术奖一等奖


l   发明专利:一种缩短应急响应时间的双平行机调度方法,郑斐峰,徐寅峰,刘明,张娥,隋杨,专利号:ZL 202010940550.72024.05.10.

l   用新型:一种新能源公交车充电防护装置,郑斐峰,王志鑫,刘明,专利号:202323241978.02024.06.05.

l   实用新型:一种充电弓对接装置,王志鑫,郑斐峰,刘明,专利号:202323160118.42024.06.13.



1.Feifeng Zheng, Runfeng Cao, Ming Liu, Stochastic fast charging scheduling of battery electric buses with energy storage systems design[J]. Computers & Industrial Engineering, 191: 110177, 2024.

2.Feifeng Zheng, Zhixin Wang*, Yinfeng Xu, Ming Liu, Overnight Charging Scheduling Optimization of Battery Electric Buses with Controllable Charging Completion Level[J]. Journal of Transportation Engineering, Part A: Systems, 150(3): 04024003, 2024.

3.Feifeng Zheng, Yuhong Chen, Ming Liu*, Semi-online scheduling on two uniform parallel machines with initial lookahead[J]. RAIRO Operations Research, 58:2621-2630,2024.

4.Feifeng Zheng, Yuhong Chen, Ming Liu*, Yinfeng Xu, Semi-online scheduling on two identical parallel machines with initial-lookahead information[J]. Asia-Pacific Journal of Operational Research, 41(1): 2350003, 2024. 

5.Feifeng Zheng, Kezheng Chen, Ming Liu*, Optimization of communication base station battery configuration considering demand transfer and sleep mechanism under uncertain interruption duration[J]. Sustainability, 15(24): 16645, 2023.

6.Feifeng Zheng, Zhaojie Wang, Yinfeng Xu, Ming Liu*, Single machine scheduling with uncertain processing times and carbon emission constraint in the shared manufacturing environment[J]. Annals of Operations Research. Online 2023-11-08.

7.Feifeng Zheng, Zhixin Wang*, Zhaojie Wang, Ming Liu, Daytime and overnight joint charging scheduling for battery electric buses considering time-varying charging power[J]. Sustainability, 15, 10728, 2023.

8.Feifeng Zheng, Kaiyuan Jin*, Yinfeng Xu, Ming Liu, Unrelated parallel machine scheduling with job splitting, setup time, learning effect, processing cost and machine eligibility[J].Asia-Pacific Journal of Operational Research, 40(3): 2250023, 2023.

9.Zhaojie Wang, Feifeng Zheng, Yinfeng Xu, Ming Liu, Lihua Sun*, Total weighted tardiness for scheduling MapReduce jobs on parallel batch machines[J]. Journal of Industrial and Management Optimization. 19(8): 5953-5968, 2023.

10.   Ming Liu, Zhongzheng Liu, FeifengZheng*, Chengbin Chu, Mathematical models and optimal algorithms for lot scheduling considering job splitting and due dates in green logistics[J]. Asia-Pacific Journal of Operational Research, Accept 2023.12.30.

11.   Feifeng Zheng, Zhaojie Wang, E Zhang, Ming Liu*, K-adaptability in robust container vessel sequencing problem with week-dependent demands of a service route[J]. International Journal of Production Research, 60(9): 2787-2801, 2022.

12.   Feifeng Zheng, Kaiyuan Jin*, Yinfeng Xu, Ming Liu, Unrelated Parallel Machine Scheduling With Processing Cost, Machine Eligibility and Order Splitting[J].Computers & Industrial Engineering, 171, 108483, 2022.

13.   Feifeng Zheng, Zhaojie Wang, E Zhang, Ming Liu*, Distributionally robust joint chance constrained vessel fleet deployment problem[J]. Asia-Pacific Journal of Operational Research, 39(6): 2250004, 2022.

14.   Feifeng Zheng, Zhaojie Wang, Ming Liu*, Overnight charging scheduling of battery electric buses with uncertain charging time[J]. Operational Research, 22(5): 4865-4903 2022.

15.   Feifeng Zheng, Chunle Kang*, Qinrui Song, Yinfeng Xu, Ming Liu, Entropy maximization based customer order allocation of clothing production enterprises in the sharing economy[J]. Sustainability, 14: 15106, 2022.

16.   Feifeng Zheng*, Yuhong Chen, Ming Liu, Yinfeng Xu, Competitive analysis of online machine rental and online parallel machine scheduling  problems with workload fence[J]. Journal of Combinatorial Optimization, 44(2): 1060-1076, 2022.

17.   Feifeng Zheng, Yaxin Pang*, Yinfeng Xu, Heuristics for cross-dock scheduling of truck arrivals, truck departures and shop-floor operations[J]. Journal of Combinatorial Optimization, 43(5): 1571-1601, 2022.

18.   Ying Li, Feng Chu, Feifeng Zheng, Ming Liu*, A bi-objective optimization for integrated berth allocation and quay crane assignment with preventive maintenance activities[J]. IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems, 23(4): 2938-2955, 2022.

19.  Junkai He, Feng Chu*, Alexandre Dolgui, Feifeng Zheng, Ming Liu, Integrated stochastic disassembly line balancing and planning problem with machine specificity[J]. International Journal of Production Research, 60(5): 1688-1708. 2022.

20.   Xin Liu, Feng Chu, Feifeng Zheng, Chengbin Chu, Ming Liu*, Distributionally robust and risk-averse optimisation for the stochastic multi-product disassembly line balancing problem with workforce assignment[J]. International Journal of Production Research, 60(6): 1973-1991, 2022.

21.   Yinfeng Xu, Rongteng Zhi, Feifeng Zheng, Ming Liu, Competitive algorithm for scheduling of sharing machines with rental discount[J]. Journal of Combinatorial Optimization, 44(1): 414-434, 2022.

22.   Yinfeng Xu, Rongteng Zhi*, Feifeng Zheng, Ming Liu, Parallel machine scheduling with due date-to-deadline window, order sharing and time value of money[J]. Asia-Pacific Journal of Operational Research, 39(2): 2150024, 2022.

23.   Feifeng Zheng, Yaxin Pang, Yinfeng Xu, Ming Liu*, Heuristic algorithms for truck scheduling of cross-docking operations in cold-chain logistics[J]. International Journal of Production Research. 59(21): 6579-6600, 2021.

24.  Feifeng Zheng, Zhiyu Sun, Ming Liu*, Location-routing Optimization with Renting Social Vehicles in a two-stage E-waste Recycling Network[J].Sustainability, 13: 11879, 2021.

25.   Xiaoyi Man, Feifeng Zheng, Feng Chu*, Ming Liu, Yinfeng Xu, Bi-objective optimization for a two-depot automated storage/retrieval system[J]. Annals of Operations Research. 296(1-2): 243-262, 2021.

26.   Junkai He, Feng Chu, Feifeng Zheng, Ming Liu*, A green-oriented bi-objective disassembly line balancing problem with stochastic task processing times[J]. Annals of Operations Research. 296(1-2): 71-93, 2021.

27.   Xin Liu, Feng Chu, Feifeng Zheng, Chengbin Chu, Ming Liu*, Parallel machine scheduling with stochastic release times and processing times[J]. International Journal of Production Research, 59(20): 6327-6346, 2021.

28.   Chen Xu, Yinfeng Xu, Feifeng Zheng, Ming Liu, Multitasking scheduling problems with a common due-window[J]. RARIO-Operations Research, 55(3): 1787-1798, 2021.

29.   Feifeng Zheng, Yang Sui, E Zhang*, Yinfeng Xu, Ming Liu, Two parallel identical machines scheduling to minimise the maximum inter-completion time[J]. International Journal of Production Research. 58(22): 6811-6825, 2020.

30.  Feifeng Zheng, Yaxin Pang, Ming Liu*, Yinfeng Xu, Dynamic programming algorithms for the general quay crane double-cycling problem with internal-reshuffles[J]. Journal of Combinatorial Optimization, 39(3): 708-724, 2020.

31.   Junkai He, Feng Chu, Feifeng Zheng, Ming Liu*, Chengbin Chu, A multi-objective distribution-free model and method for stochastic disassembly line balancing problem[J]. International Journal of Production Research, 58(18): 5721-5737, 2020.

32.   Feng Chu, Junkai He*, Feifeng Zheng, Ming Liu, Scheduling multiple yard cranes in two adjacent container blocks with position-dependent processing times[J]. Computers & Industrial Engineering, 136, 355-365, 2019.

33.   Ming Liu, Bian Liang, Feifeng Zheng*, Feng Chu, Stochastic Airline Fleet Assignment with Risk Aversion[J]. IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems, 20(8): 3081-3090, 2019.

34.   Feifeng Zheng, Michael L. Pinedo, Kangbok Lee, Ming Liu*, Yinfeng Xu, Towards robustness of response times: minimising the maximum inter-completion time on parallel machines[J]. International Journal of Production Research, 57(1): 182-199, 2019.

35.    Feifeng Zheng, Xiaoyi Man, Feng Chu, Ming Liu*, Chengbin Chu, A two-stage stochastic programming for single yard crane scheduling with uncertain release times of retrieval tasks[J]. International Journal of Production Research, 57(13): 4132-4147, 2019.

36.    Feifeng Zheng, Ying Li, Feng Chu, Ming Liu*, Yinfeng Xu, Integrated berth allocation and quay crane assignment with maintenance activities[J]. International Journal of Production Research, 57(11): 3478-3503, 2019.

37.   Kangbok Lee, Feifeng Zheng, Michael L. Pinedo*, Online scheduling of ordered flow shops[J]. European Journal of Operational Research, 272(1): 50-60, 2019.

38.  Ming Liu, Xin Liu, Feng Chu*, Feifeng Zheng, Chengbin Chu, Distributionally robust inventory routing problem to maximize the service level under limited budget[J]. Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review. 126: 190-211, 2019.

39.   Guanqun Ni*,Feifeng Zheng, Yinfeng Xu, Competitive analysis of online revenue management with hierarchical resources[J]. Information Processing Letters, 142: 41-45, 2019.

40.   E Zhang, Ming Liu*, Feifeng Zheng, Yinfeng Xu, Single machine lot scheduling to minimize the total weighted (discounted) completion time[J]. Information Processing Letters, 142: 46-51, 2019.

41.   Feifeng Zheng, Xiaoyi Man, Feng Chu, Ming Liu*, Chengbin Chu, Two yard crane scheduling with dynamic processing time and interference[J]. IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems, 19(12): 3775-3784, 2018.

42.    Feifeng Zheng, Junkai He, Feng Chu, Ming Liu*, A new distribution-free model for disassembly line balancing problem with stochastic task processing times[J]. International Journal of Production Research, 56(24): 7341-7353, 2018.

43.  Jidan Huang, Feifeng Zheng, Yinfeng Xu, Ming Liu*, Online MapReduce processing on two identical parallel machines[J]. Journal of Combinatorial Optimization, 35(1): 216-223, 2018.

44.   Ming Liu, Shijin Wang*, Feifeng Zheng, Chengbin Chu, Algorithms for joint multitasking scheduling and common due date assignment problem[J]. International Journal of Production Research, 55(20): 6052-6066, 2017.

45.   Zhanguo Zhu*, Feifeng Zheng, Chengbin Chu, Multitasking scheduling problems with a rate-modifying activity[J]. International Journal of Production Research, 55(1): 296-312, 2017.

46.   Wenming Zhang, E Zhang*, Feifeng Zheng, Online two stage k-search problem and its competitive analysis[J]. International Journal of Foundations of Computer Science, 27(6): 653-663, 2016.

47.   Xin Feng*, Feifeng Zheng, Yinfeng Xu, Robust scheduling of a two-stage hybrid flow shop with uncertain interval processing times[J]. International Journal of Production Research, 54(12): 3706-3717, 2016.

48.   Xin Feng, Yongxi Cheng*, Feifeng Zheng, Yinfeng Xu, Online integrated production–distribution scheduling problems without preemption[J]. Journal of Combinatorial Optimization, 31(1): 1569-1585, 2016.

49.   Feifeng Zheng, Li Luo, E Zhang*, NF-based algorithms for online bin packing with buffer and bounded item size[J]. Journal of Combinatorial Optimization, 30(2): 360-369, 2015.

50.   Yongxi Cheng, Ding-Zhu Du, Feifeng Zheng, A new strongly competitive group testing algorithm with small sequentiality[J]. Annals of Operations Research, 229(1):265-286, 2015.

51.   Wenming Zhang, E Zhang*, Feifeng Zheng, Online (J, K)-search problem and its competitive analysis[J]. Theoretical Computer Science, 593(16):139-145, 2015.

52.   Yongxi Cheng, Ju’e Guo, Feifeng Zheng, A new randomized algorithm for group testing with unknown number of defective items[J]. Journal of Combinatorial Optimization, 30(1): 150-159, 2015.

53.   Ming Liu, Feifeng Zheng*, Jinfeng Li, Scheduling small number of quay cranes with non-interference constraint[J]. Optimization Letters, 9(2):403-412, 2015.

54.   Feifeng Zheng, Yinfeng Xu, Weimin Ma*, E Zhang, Online scheduling with immediate and reliable lead-time quotation[J]. Journal of Scheduling, 17(3):225-236, 2014.

55.   Feifeng Zheng*, Yinfeng Xu, E Zhang, WeiChiang Hong, Competitive analysis for make-to-order scheduling with reliable lead time quotation[J]. Journal of Combinatorial Optimization, 27(1):182-198, 2014.

56.   Ming Liu, Feifeng Zheng, Zhanguo Zhu*, Chengbin Chu, Optimal semi-online algorithm for scheduling on two parallel batch processing machines[J]. Asia-Pacific Journal of Operational Research, 31(5): 1450038, 2014.

57.   Stanley P. Y. Fung, Chung Keung Poon*, Feifeng Zheng, Improved Randomized Online Scheduling of Intervals and Jobs[J]. Theory of Computing Systems, 55(1): 202-228, 2014.

58.   Feifeng Zheng, Yongxi Cheng*, Yinfeng Xu, Ming Liu, Competitive strategies for an online generalized assignment problem with a service consecution constraint[J]. European Journal of Operational Research, 229(1):59-66, 2013.

59.   Feifeng Zheng, Yongxi Cheng*, Ming Liu, Yinfeng Xu, Online interval scheduling on a single machine with finite lookahead[J]. Computers & Operations Research, 40(1):180-191, 2013.

60.   Ming Liu*, Feifeng Zheng, Shijin Wang, Yinfeng Xu, Approximation algorithms for parallel machine scheduling with linear deterioration[J]. Theoretical Computer Science, 497(29):108-111, 2013.

61.   Feifeng Zheng*, Liu Ming, Chu Chengbin, Xu Yinfeng, Online parallel machine scheduling to maximize the number of early jobs[J]. Mathematical Problems in Engineering, 2012, 939717, 2012.

62.   Ming Liu, Feifeng Zheng*, Shijin Wang, Jiazhen Huo, Optimal algorithms for online single machine scheduling with deteriorating jobs[J]. Theoretical Computer Science, 445(3):75-81, 2012.

63.   Wenming Zhang, Yinfeng Xu, ZhengFeifeng, Yucheng Dong, Online algorithms for the multiple time series search problem[J]. Computers & Operations Research, 39(5):929-938, 2012.

64.   Ming Liu, Feifeng Zheng*, Chengbin Chu, Yinfeng Xu, Single-machine scheduling with past-sequence-dependent delivery times and release times[J]. Information Processing Letters, 112(21):835-838, 2012.

65.   Ming Liu, Feifeng Zheng, Chengbin Chu, Jiantong Zhang, An FPTAS for uniform machine scheduling to minimize makespan with linear deterioration[J]. Journal of Combinatorial Optimization, 23(4): 483-492, 2012.

66.   Wenming Zhang, Yinfeng Xu, Feifeng Zheng, Yucheng Dong, Optimal algorithms for online time series search and one-way trading with interrelated prices[J]. Journal of Combinatorial Optimization, 23(2):159-166, 2012.

67.   Ming Liu, Feifeng Zheng, Chengbin Chu, Yinfeng Xu, New results on single-machine scheduling with past-sequence-dependent delivery times[J]. Theoretical Computer Science, 438:55-61, 2012.

68.   Feifeng Zheng, Yinfeng Xu, Chung Keung Poon*, E Zhang, Xiaoping Wu, Online deadline scheduling with preemption penalties[J]. Computers & Industrial Engineering, 60(4):542-549, 2011.

69.   Ming Liu, Feifeng Zheng, Chengbin Chu, Yinfeng Xu, Optimal algorithms for online scheduling on parallel machines to minimize the makespan with a periodic availability constraint[J]. Theoretical Computer Science, 412(39): 5225-5231, 2011.

70.   Yinfeng Xu, Wenming Zhang, Feifeng Zheng, Optimal algorithms for the online time series search problem[J]. Theoretical Computer Science, 412(3):192-197, 2011.

71.   Wenming Zhang, Yinfeng Xu, Feifeng Zheng, Ming Liu, Online algorithms for the general k-search problem[J]. Information Processing Letters, 111(14):678-682, 2011.

72.   Ming Liu, Chengbin Chu, Yinfeng Xu, Feifeng Zheng, An optimal online algorithm for single machine scheduling with bounded delivery times[J]. European Journal of Operational Research, 201(3):693-700, 2010.

73.   Ming Liu, Yinfeng Xu, Chengbin Chu, Feifeng Zheng, Online scheduling on two uniform machines to minimize the makespan[J]. Theoretical Computer Science, 410(21-23):2099-2109, 2009.

74.   Feifeng Zheng, Yinfeng Xu, E Zhang, How much can lookahead help in online single machine scheduling[J]. Information Processing Letters, 106(2): 70-74, 2008.

75.   Stanley P.Y. Fung, Feifeng Zheng, W.T. Chan, Francis Y.L. Chin, Chung Keung Poon and Prudence W.H. Wong, Improved On-line Broadcast Scheduling with Deadlines[J]. Journal of Scheduling, 11:299-308, 2008.

76.   Stanley P.Y. Fung, Chung Keung Poon, Feifeng Zheng, Online Interval Scheduling: Randomized and Multiprocessor Cases[J], Journal of Combinatorial Optimization, 16(3): 248-262, 2008.

77.   Feifeng Zheng, Yinfeng Xu, E Zhang, On-line production order scheduling with preemption penalties[J]. Journal of Combinatorial Optimization, 13(2):189-204, 2007.

78.   Chung Keung Poon, Feifeng Zheng, Yinfeng Xu, On-demand Bounded Broadcast Scheduling with Tight Deadlines[J]. International Journal of Foundations of Computer Science, 18(2): 251-262, 2007.

79.   Feifeng Zheng, Francis Y.L. Chin, Stanley P.Y. Fung, Chung Keung Poon, Yinfeng Xu, A tight lower bound for job scheduling with cancellation[J]. Information Processing Letters, 97 (1): 1-3, 2006.

80.   靳凯媛*,郑斐峰,刘明,考虑订单类型和准备时间的批处理机在线调度模型研究[J]. 运筹学学报网络首发, 2024.2.1.

81.   隋杨,郑斐峰*,徐寅峰,考虑平行机环境下紧急任务最大等待时间的优化调度[J]. 工业工程与管理, 28(5): 119-129, 2023.

82.   郑斐峰,王志鑫,刘明,考虑峰谷分时电价和电池损耗成本的纯电动公交车充电调度优化研究[J]. 中国管理科学,网络首发, 2023.09.05.

83.  郑斐峰,陈克政,刘明,突发疫情下基于机会约束的应急医疗设施建设选址与公平配置优化研究[J]. 控制与决策,网络首发, 2023.06.30.

84.   郑斐峰,靳凯媛,徐寅峰,刘明,考虑可拆分订单及加工类型匹配的平行机调度决策[J]. 运筹与管理32(3): 1-7, 2023. 

85.   徐寅峰,智荣腾郑斐峰,刘明,考虑共享机器租借费用的在线订单加工策略及竞争分析[J]. 中国管理科学31(4): 142-150, 2023.

86.   徐晨,徐寅峰,郑斐峰,刘明,工件可拒绝的单机多任务排序问题研究[J]. 系统科学与数学42(8): 2198-2206, 2022.

87.   徐寅峰,徐晨,郑斐峰,刘明,带有资源分配和恶化工件的单机多任务排序问题研究[J]. 系统科学与数学42(4): 1023-1031, 2022.

88.   郑斐峰靳凯媛,宋沁睿,刘明,考虑两阶段运输的加工资源共享调度策略[J]. 东华大学学报(自然科学版),48(3): 114-120, 2022.

89.郑斐峰,宋沁睿,徐寅峰,刘明,考虑加工速率相互干扰的平行机调度最优策略研究[J]. 运筹与管理30(12):1-5, 2021.

90.   徐晨,徐寅峰,郑斐峰,考虑部分工件不可打扰的多任务调度问题研究[J]. 运筹学学报, 25(4): 91-100, 2021.

91.郑斐峰靳凯媛,张娥*,刘明,考虑订单类型的两台平行批处理机在线调度模型研究[J]. 中国管理科学29(5): 173-179, 2021.

92.郑斐峰,隋杨,徐寅峰,考虑最大完工时间间隔最小的三台平行机调度研究[J]. 系统工程理论与实践41(4): 1025-1036, 2021.

93.黄基诞,郑斐峰,徐寅峰,刘明,安装具有退化效应的MapReduce模型下的平行机调度[J]. 运筹学学报24(4): 93-106, 2020.

94.焦小刚,郑斐峰,徐寅峰,刘明,考虑泊位疏浚的连续型泊位和动态岸桥联合调度[J]. 运筹与管理29(2): 47-57, 2020.

95.焦小刚,郑斐峰,徐寅峰,刘明,潮汐影响下泊位和岸桥双目标联合调度仿真[J]. 计算机仿真37(2):403-410, 2020.

96.黄基诞,郑斐峰,徐寅峰,刘明,考虑运输时间的MapReduce模型下的同类机调度研究[J]. 系统科学与数学39(11): 1741-1755, 2019.

97.郑斐峰,蒋娟,梅启煌,最小化集装箱运输成本的配载优化[J]. 计算机科学46(6): 239-245, 2019.

98.黄基诞,郑斐峰,徐寅峰,刘明,基于MapReduce模型带任务分割的平行机调度优化[J]. 控制与决策, 34(7): 1514-1520, 2019.

99.黄基诞,郑斐峰,徐寅峰,刘明,基于MapReduce模型带准备时间的平行机调度优化[J]. 系统工程理论与实践39(1): 174-182, 2019.

100.郑斐峰梅启煌,刘明,张小宁,多港口集装箱配载的双目标精确算法研究[J]. 工业工程21(6): 1-6, 2018.

101.李英,乔龙亮,郑斐峰,具有预知信息的集装箱码头泊位与岸桥联合调度在线模型[J]. 运筹学学报22(3): 28-36, 2018.

102.郑斐峰梅启煌,王璐,张小宁,内地多港口间的集装箱装配最优方案[J]. 计算机工程与设计, 39(6): 1761-1766, 2018.

103.郑斐峰梅启煌,刘明,张小宁,基于遗传算法与贪婪策略的多港口集装箱配载研究[J]. 运筹与管理, 27(5): 1-7, 2018.

104.郑斐峰,何俊凯,刘明,基于Epsilon约束算法的短纤维生产调度的双目标优化研究[J]. 运筹与管理, 27(3): 1-8, 2018.

105.郑斐峰,乔龙亮,黄基诞,有限预知信息下集装箱码头泊位与岸桥联合在线调度研究[J]. 系统管理学报,27(1): 1-9, 2018.

106.郑斐峰,乔龙亮,预知信息下集装箱码头资源联合调度在线策略研究[J]. 运筹与管理, 25(4):101-105, 2016.

107.冯鑫, 郑斐, 徐寅峰, 批加工生产配送二级供应链协同调度[J]. 系统管理学报, 24(2):275-279, 2015.

108.冯鑫, 郑斐, 面对单客户的生产与配送二级供应链协同调度探讨[J]. 运筹与管理, 23(4):19-24, 2014.

109.张娥,郑斐峰,刘亚旭,汪应洛,供大于求时关键字广告位拍卖保留价设计研究[J]. 预测30(2):40-45, 2011.

110.倪冠群, 徐寅峰, 郑斐峰, 网上一口价在线拍卖的定价策略设计[J]. 管理科学学报, 14(3):1-9, 2011.

111.余昇, 徐寅峰, 郑斐峰, 太湖水华危机应急预案在线风险补偿启动策略[J]. 运筹与管理, 20(2):117-124, 2011.

112.徐寅峰,曹永峰,郑斐峰, 单水库在线发电调度策略设计与分析[J]. 运筹与管理20(6):82-87, 2011.

113., 徐寅峰, 董玉成,郑斐峰, 基于在线方法的蓝藻危机应急预案启动策略[J]. 系统工程理论与实践31(5): 914-919, 2011.

114.郑斐峰,徐寅峰,张娥,占线订单排序D-收益函数下改进的随机策略[J]. 系统管理学报, 19(1):93-95, 2010.

115.徐寅峰,余昇,郑斐峰,有阈值约束的占线订单加工策略及竞争分析[J]. 系统管理学报19(5):571-576, 2010.

116.武小平,徐寅峰,郑斐峰,不完全信息下城市交通量分配研究[J]. 运筹与管理19(4):116-120, 2010.

117.武小平,徐寅峰,郑斐峰,拥挤收费策略设计及其效率损失分析[J]. 运筹与管理19(6): 123-128, 2010.

118.武小平, 徐寅峰, 郑斐峰, 路段权重不确定时占线选择路径[J]. 系统工程, 27(5):117-120, 2009.

119.郑斐峰,徐寅峰,张娥,占线订单排序C-收益函数下改进的随机策略[J]. 运筹与管理, 18(6):75-79, 2009.

120.徐寅峰,张兴国,董玉成,郑斐峰,带预期的占线周期性折扣租赁策略[J]. 系统工程理论与实践11: 69-73, 2008.

121.郑斐峰,徐寅峰,贪婪策略在占线订单加工问题中的竞争分析[J]. 系统管理学报, 16(4):417-421, 2007.

122.郑斐峰,徐寅峰,张娥,具有交货期限的占线订单加工[J].系统工程24(5):101-104, 2006.

123.徐寅峰, 郑斐峰, 关于占线广播调度问题的一个下界[J]. 西安交通大学学报(自然科学版)39(12):1291-1294, 2005.

124.张娥,郑斐峰,汪应洛, 网络广告竞价中的在线拍卖及其竞争策略研究[J]. 系统工程, 23(6):115-118, 2005.

125.郑斐峰,徐寅峰, 有限预知信息的集装箱搬卸占线问题[J]. 系统工程理论方法应用, 13(5):390-394, 2004.

  • 会议论文与大会宣讲

  • Zheng, F., Li, N., Liu, M. (2024) Single machine lot scheduling to minimize maximum weighted complete time, presented at 30th International Computing and Combinatorics Conference (COCOON2024).

  • Xu, C., Xu, Y., & Zheng, F. (2019). Multitasking scheduling with part jobs interrupted assignment, presented at 2019 International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Systems Management (IESM).

  • He, J., Chu, F., Zheng, F., & Chu, C. (2019). Personalized garment customization with multitasking and distinct learning effects, presented at 2019 International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Systems Management (IESM).

  • Sui, Y., & Zheng, F. (2019). Distributionally robust joint chance constrained vessel fleet deployment problem, presented at 2019 International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Systems Management (IESM).

  • Zheng, F., & Song, Q. (2019). Lot-sizing and scheduling with machine-sharing in clothing industry, presented at 2019 International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Systems Management (IESM).

  • Yu, S., Xu, Y., Liu, M., & Zheng, F. (2011). Optimal policy for single-machine scheduling with deterioration effects, learning effects, setup times, and availability constraints, presented at International Conference on Combinatorial Optimization & Applications. Springer-Verlag.

  • Wu, X., Zheng, F., & Long, X. (2010). The Efficiency loss of user equilibrium with linear non-separable and asymmetric latency functions, presented at International Conference of Information Science & Management Engineering.

  • Zheng, F., Liu, B., Xu, Y., & Zhang, E. (2010). Online splitting interval scheduling on m identical machines, presented at International Conference on Algorithmic Aspects in Information & Management.

  • Zheng, F., Xu, Y., & Poon, C. K. (2009). On job scheduling with preemption penalties, presented at International Conference on Algorithmic Applications in Management.

  • Man, X., Zheng, F., Chu, F., & Xu, Y. (2019). Yard crane scheduling with real-time reshuffle, presented at 2019 International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Systems Management (IESM).

  • Qiao, L., Zheng, F., & Li, Y. (2015). An online model of allocation problem at container terminals with finite look-ahead, presented at 2015 Annual Meeting of Chinese Management Science and Engineering.


  • 徐寅峰,徐琪,郑斐峰著,《分享经济时代运营管理理论方法与应用》,科学出版社,2024.03.

  •   Zheng, F. (Guest Editor), Liu, M. (Co-Guest Editor) (2023) Speical Issue: Green Logistics and Intelligent Transportation. Sustainability.

  • Liu, M., & Zheng, F. (2013) Advances in Scheduling Problems, Handbook of Combinatorial Optimization(pp.145-169), 2nd Edition.

  • 徐渝,李鹏翔,郑斐峰,《运筹学》(教育部经济管理类核心课程教材),中国人民大学出版社,2013.09.06.


  • 2023-2026  城市纯电动公交车时空双重联合充电调度优化研究,国家自然科学基金面上项目(72271051),负责人

  • 2020-2021  广西金融控股集团利用多重重大战略和政策叠加效应打造特色化、差异化竞争优势研究,复旦广投研究中心2020年度课题,负责人

  • 2019-2023  分享经济环境下企业运营与资源配置理论研究,国家自然科学基金重点项目(71832001),参与人

  • 2018-2021  个性化定制下考虑多任务并行加工速率的双层平行机系统调度优化研究,国家自然科学基金面上项目(71771048),负责人

  • 2016-2019  全渠道模式下快时尚供应链O2O整合与协同优化研究,国家自然科学基金面上项目(71572033), 参加人

  • 2014-2017  不确定需求环境下的集装箱码头资源调度优化研究,上海市人才发展资金资助项目(201471),负责人

  • 2014-2016  东华大学“励志计划”(A类,A201305),中央高校基金项目,负责人

  • 2013-2015  不确定环境下的调度优化及其在医疗服务行业应用研究,教育部新世纪优秀人才支持计划(NCET-12-0824),负责人

  • 2012-2015  制造业供应链中的供应、生产与配送协同调度研究,国家自然科学基金面上项目(71172189),负责人

  • 2012-2015  网络环境下短生命周期产品混合双渠道供应链协作策略研究,国家自然科学基金面上项目(71172174),参加人

  • 2012-2013  服务科学与供应链管理,中央高校基本科研业务费专项(东华大学人文社科基地培育项目),负责人

  • 2010-2011  加工制造系统中优化控制方案设计与分析,国家机械制造重点实验室基金项目,负责人

  • 2010-2011  在线订单加工系统中突发中断事件的应对研究,陕西省自然科学基础研究青年人才项目,负责人

  • 2008-2010  生产订单管理优化中的占线策略研究,国家自然科学基金青年项目(70702030),负责人

  • 2008-2011  占线订单管理问题的竞争策略研究,教育部博士点新教师基金(20070698053),负责人

  • 2005-2007  运输管理中占线问题的竞争策略研究,国家自然科学基金项目(70471035),参加人


  • 本科生:运筹学,管理信息系统,管理系统业务流程的仿真,企业经营决策支持系统

  • 研究生:高级运筹学,管理学研究方法,文献阅读;数据模型与决策,工业工程理论与实践


  • 2023.08至今,International Journal of Production Research期刊副编辑(Associate Editor

  • 2017.01至今,《运筹与管理》期刊编委

  • 2018.05至今,中国(双法)高等教育管理分会常务理事

  • 2017.12至今,上海市青年科技人才协会会员

  • 2017.12至今,中国运筹学会医疗运作管理分会理事

  • 2017.11至今,中国系统工程学会青年工作委员会委员

  • 2009.07至今,中国运筹学会企业运筹学分会理事

  • 2011.07-2015.06,中国运筹学会不确定系统分会理事

  • 2014.03-2015.12,QMH球盟会app信管支部书记


  • 担任《管理科学学报》、《运筹与管理》、《东华大学学报》、《交通运输工程学报》等国内期刊审稿人