
办公室: 旭日楼 528

邮箱: wuyong@dhu.edu.cn

研究兴趣: 信息经济学、大数据驱动的决策分析




  • 2013.09-2018.02  系统工程与工程管理, 香港城市大学, 博士

  • 2012.09-2017.12  管理科学与工程, 西安交通大学, 博士

  • 2008.09-2012.06  电子商务, 合肥工业大学, 学士


  • 2021.09 – 至今      QMH球盟会app, 东华大学, 副教授

  • 2018.01 – 2021.08    QMH球盟会app, 东华大学, 讲师


  • 2022东华大学本科教学成果二等奖

  • 2021 上海市大学生计算机应用能力大赛优秀指导教师

  • 2021东华大学青年教师教学竞赛二等奖

  • 2020 东华大学优秀班导师

  • 2019 东华大学五四青年先锋岗

  • 2019陕西省科学技术二等奖

  • 2018陕西高等学校科学技术奖




  • Wu, Yong; Liu, Yihao; Dai, Tao; and Cheng, Dong. (2024) Managing partial outsourcing on information security in the presence of security externality, Expert Systems with Applications, 246: 123003. (SCI)

  • Cheng, Dong; Wu, Yong*; Yuan, Yuxiang; Cheng, Faxin; and Chen, Dianwei. (2024) Modeling the Maximum Perceived Utility Consensus Based on Prospect Theory. Group Decision and Negotiation. Publish online. (SSCI)

  • 吴勇,徐梦瑶,冯耕中. (2024) 考虑成本信息不对称的信息安全外包契约设计,管理工程学报, 1-13. (CSSCI)

  • Dai, Tao; Yu, mingyu; Wu, Yong*. (2024) When to Announce the Queueing Information for Bounded Rationality Customers: A Discrete-event Based Simulation Model, Simulation: Transactions of the Society for Modeling and Simulation International, Publish online. (SCI)


  • Wu, Yong; Kang, Zi; Dai, Tao; and Cheng, Dong. (2023) Managing cloud security in the presence of strategic hacker and joint responsibility, Journal of the Operational Research Society, 0(8). (SSCI)

  • Wu, Xiaomin; Wu, Yong*; Li, Qingying; and Dai, Tao. (2023) How to react to hacker types and asset types in security decision-making. Expert Systems with Applications, 231: 120654. (SCI)

  • 戴韬; 张宁; 吴勇*. (2023) 考虑顾客放弃的在线客服最优服务人数模型, 运筹与管理, 32(7):211-218.


  • Wu, Yong; Xiao, Haocheng; Dai, Tao; and Cheng, Dong. (2022). A game-theoretical model of firm security reactions responding to a strategic hacker in a competitive industry. Journal of the Operational Research Society, 73(4): 716-740. (SSCI)

  • Wu, Yong; Xu, Mengyao; Cheng, Dong; and Dai, Tao. (2022) Information security strategies for information-sharing firms considering a strategic hacker. Decision Analysis, 19(2):99-122. (SSCI)

  • 吴勇,王林萍,冯耕中. (2022) 双边道德风险下供应链互补企业信息安全外包激励契约研究.系统工程理论与实践, 42(11):2916-2926. (CSSCI)

  • Cheng, Dong; Yuan Yuxiang; Wu, Yong; Hao Tiantian, and Cheng Faxin. (2022) Maximum satisfaction consensus with budget constraints considering individual tolerance and compromise limit behaviors. European Journal of Operational Research. 297(1): 221-238. (SCI)


  • Wu, Yong; Tayi, Giri Kumar; Feng, Gengzhong; and Fung, Richard Y. K. (2021) Managing Information Security Outsourcing in a Dynamic Cooperation Environment, Journal of the Association for Information Systems, 22(3). (SSCI, ABS-4*)

  • Wu, Yong; Wang, Linping; Cheng, Dong; and Dai, Tao. (2021) Information security decisions of firms considering security risk interdependency. Expert Systems with Applications, 178:114990. (SCI)


  • Wu, Yong; Duan, Junlin; Dai, Tao; and Cheng, Dong. (2020) Managing security outsourcing in the presence of strategic hackers. Decision Analysis, 17(3): 235-259. (SSCI)

  • Cheng, Dong; Cheng, Faxin; Zhou, Zhili; and Wu, Yong*. (2020) Reaching a minimum adjustment consensus in social network group decision-making. Information Fusion, 59: 30-43. (SCI)


  • Wu, Yong; Feng, Gengzhong; and Fung, Richard Y. K. (2018) Comparison of information security decisions under different security and business environments. Journal of the Operational Research Society, 69(5). (SSCI)

  • Wu, Yong, Fung, Richard Y. K.; Feng, Gengzhong; and Wang, Nengmin. (2017) Decisions making in information security outsourcing: Impact of complementary and substitutable firms. Computers & Industrial Engineering, 110: 1-12. (SCI)

  • Wu, Yong; Feng, Gengzhong; Wang, Nengmin; and Liang, Huigang. (2015) Game of information security investment: Impact of attack types and network vulnerability. Expert Systems with Applications, 42(15-16): 6132-6146. (SCI)

  • 吴勇,冯耕中,王能民. (2013) 我国典型物流公共信息平台商业模式的比较研究. 商业经济与管理, 264(10): 14-21. (CSSCI)

  • 著作与教材

    • 冯耕中,吴勇,石晓梅. 物流信息系统. 北京:机械工业出版社,2021.

    • 冯耕中,吴勇等. 中华人民共和国物流标准《钢铁物流统计指标体系WB/T1071-2018》

    • 冯耕中,吴勇,赵绍辉. 物流公共信息平台理论与实践. 北京:科学出版社,2014.


  • 2024-2027,东华大学励志计划,主持

  • 2023-2026,考虑共同责任的数据安全管理策略及监管机制研究,教育部人文社会科学研究一般项目(23YJA630100),主持

  • 2023-2025,大数据技术原理与应用,上海市高校市级重点课程,主持

  • 2022-2024,基于云安全特征的企业云安全运营策略与契约设计研究,上海市哲学社会科学规划课题(2022ZGL009),主持

  • 2022-2023,基于案例教学的《商务大数据分析》课程建设,东华大学研究生课程建设项目,主持

  • 2020-2021,基于创新创业思维的《大数据技术原理与应用》课程案例教学设计, 东华大学专创融合项目, 主持

  • 2019-2021,基于安全外部性的信息安全合同设计与投资决策研究, 国家自然科学基金面上项目(71801035), 主持

  • 2018-2020,信息安全投资决策研究, 中央高校基本科研业务费专项, 主持


  • 本科生: 运筹学(bilibili.com/video/BV1fE41137fJ), 大数据技术原理与应用

  • 研究生: 商务大数据分析,项目管理



  • 担任CSWIM、ISAP、ICIS、CNAIS、POMS-China等国际会议程序委员会成员

  • 中国系统工程学会会员、中国物流学会会员