
办公室: 管理新楼 419

邮箱: chengdong@dhu.edu.cn

研究兴趣: 可持续运营管理、行为共识决策


   程栋,东华大学QMH球盟会app副教授,硕导。主要从事可持续运营管理、决策与博弈分析、行为共识建模等相关领域的研究,在EJOR, IEEE SMC, CIE, DA, KBS, IS等国际知名期刊上发表多篇SCI/SSCI论文,主持参与国家自然科学基金4项,担任CIE, IEEE SMC, IJCIS, IF, 《系统工程理论与实践》等国内外学术期刊审稿人。


  • 2014.09-2018.12  管理科学与工程, QMH球盟会app, 西安交通大学, 博士

  • 2010.09-2012.12  管理科学与工程, QMH球盟会app, 江苏大学, 硕士

  • 2006.09-2010.06  电子商务, QMH球盟会app, 江苏大学, 学士


  • 2022.9至今    QMH球盟会app, 东华大学, 副教授

  • 2018.12-2022.9    QMH球盟会app, 东华大学, 讲师



  • Cheng, D., Yuan, Y., Wu, Y., Hao, T., & Cheng, F.. (2022). Maximum satisfaction consensus with budget constraints considering individual tolerance and compromise limit behaviors. European Journal of Operational Research, 297, 221-238.

  • Hao, T., Cheng, D., Cheng, F.. (2023). A dynamic trust consensus model considering individual overconfidence. Knowledge-Based Systems, 269: 110503.

  • Yuan, Y., Cheng, D., Zhou, Z., Cheng, F.. (2023). A minimum adjustment cost consensus framework considering harmony degrees and trust propagation for social network group decision-making. IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics: Systems, 53(3): 1453-1465.

  • Yuan, Y., Cheng, D., Zhou, Z., Cheng, F.. (2022). Minimum conflict consensus with budget constraints based on social network analysis. Computers & Industrial Engineering, 168: 108098.

  • Wu, Y., Xu, M., Cheng, D., Dai, T.. (2022). Information security strategies for information-sharing firms considering a strategic hacker, Decision Analysis, 19(2): 99-122.

  • Wu, Y., Xiao, H., Dai, T., & Cheng, D.. (2022). A game-theoretical model of firm security reactions responding to a strategic hacker in a competitive industry, Journal of the Operational Research Society, 73(4): 716-740.

  • Yuan, Y., Cheng, D., & Zhou, Z.. (2021). A minimum adjustment consensus framework with compromise limits for social network group decision making under incomplete information. Information Sciences, 549, 249-268.

  • Gu, Y., Hao, T., Cheng, D., Wang, J., Cheng, F.. (2021). Consensus model with double feedback mechanism based on dynamic trust relationship in social network group decision-making. International Journal of Computational Intelligence Systems, 14(1): 491-502.

  • Wu, Y., Wang, L., Cheng, D., & Dai, T.. (2021). Information security decisions of firms considering security risk interdependency. Expert Systems with Applications, 178(15): 114990.

  • Cheng, D., Cheng, F., Zhou, Z., & Wu, Y.. (2020). Reaching a minimum adjustment consensus in social network group decision-making. Information Fusion, 59, 30-43.

  • Wu, Y., Duan, J., Dai, T., & Cheng, D.. (2020). Managing security outsourcing in the presence of strategic hackers. Decision Analysis, 17(3), 235-259.

  • Cheng, D., Zhou, Z., Cheng, F., Zhou, Y., & Xie, Y.. (2018). Modeling the minimum cost consensus problem in an asymmetric costs context. European Journal of Operational Research, 270(3), 1122-1137.

  • Cheng, D., Zhou, Z., Cheng, F., & Wang, J.. (2018). Deriving heterogeneous experts weights from incomplete linguistic preference relations based on uninorm consistency. Knowledge-Based Systems, 150, 150-165.

  • Cheng, D., Cheng, F., Zhou, Z., & Wang, J.. (2017). Group prioritisation with unknown expert weights in incomplete linguistic context. International journal of systems science, 48(12), 2633-2643.

  • 程栋, 侯剑琳, 程发新. (2023). 预算约束下考虑属性关联的最大效用共识模型. 中国管理科学, doi: 10.16381/j.cnki.issn1003-207x.2022.0297

  • 程栋, 张静阳, 袁宇翔, 程发新. (2022). 基于区间意见的非对称最小成本共识决策问题研究. 运筹与管理, 31(5): 43-48.

  • 袁宇翔, 程栋, 白秦洋, 周支立. (2023). 零售商双重行为偏好下双渠道供应链定价决策与协调. 工业工程与管理, http://kns.cnki.net/kcms/detail/31.1738.T.20230306.1131.004.html

  • 郝湉湉, 程栋, 顾月琴, & 程发新. (2021). 考虑多属性决策者非合作行为的共识模型构建. 统计与决策, 37(8): 162-167.

  • 程发新, 程栋, 赵艳萍, & 罗建强. (2012). 基于共识决策的低碳供应商选择方法研究. 运筹与管理, 21(6), 68-73.


  • Cheng, D., & Zhou, Z. (2018). A minimum cost consensus model for social-network group decision-making problems with incomplete linguistic preference relations, presented at INFORMS Annual Meeting (INFORMS).


  • 2020-2022  河长制背景下基于共识决策的跨界水污染治理机制研究, 国家自然科学基金青年项目(no.71901058), 已结题, 主持人

  • 2020-2022  中央高校基本科研业务费专项资金项目, 已结题, 主持人

  • 2017-2020  碳减排政策下考虑对原产品挤兑的企业再制造—以水泥行业为例, 国家自然科学基金面上项目(71673118), 已结题, 参加人

  • 2012-2016  基于产品全生命周期的企业低碳制造战略形成机制与驱动模式研究:以水泥行业为例, 国家自然科学基金面上项目(71390333), 已结题, 参加人


  • 本科生: 应用统计学

  • 研究生: 多元统计分析--基于R



  • 担任CIE, IEEE SMC, IJCIS, IF等SCI国际期刊审稿人

  • 担任《系统工程理论与实践》等国内期刊审稿人


  • 中国优选法统筹法与经济数学研究会会员