
办公室: 旭日楼 529

邮箱: binshen@dhu.edu.cn

研究兴趣: 创意与时尚管理、科技与运营管理、供应链管理


沈滨,东华大学QMH球盟会app副院长、教授、博士生导师,九三学社中央青年工作委员会委员, 上海市九三学社市委青年工作委员会副主任, 入选国家高层次人才特殊支持计划青年拔尖人才(哲学社会科学、文化艺术类)、德国“洪堡学者”、 国家自然科学基金委员会与欧盟委员会“中欧人才项目”、 全球前2%顶尖科学家、中国高被引学者、霍英东教育基金会青年教师奖、上海市教学能手等。目前为Transportation Research—Part E期刊的副编辑(Associate Editor)、Sustainable Manufacturing and Service Economics期刊的编辑(Editor)、Electronic Commerce Research and Applications期刊的高级编辑(Senior Editor)。主持/完成1项国家社科重点项目,4项国家自然科学基金项目,发表/被接收80余篇SCI/SSCI期刊检索论文,其中包括POM、DSJ、EJOR、IEEE-TEM、IJPE、IJPR、JORS、TRE、SCM、JBR、TFSC等,多篇论文为热点论文或高被引论文。研究方向是数字化转型与产业链管理、ESG与供应链管理等。


  • 2010.09-2013.10  香港理工大学, 博士

  • 2009.09-2010.10  伦敦玛丽女皇大学, 硕士


  • 2021.09–至今    QMH球盟会app, 东华大学, 教授

  • 2016.10–2021.09  QMH球盟会app, 东华大学, 副教授

  • 2018.09–2020.04  QMH球盟会app, 慕尼黑工业大学, 洪堡学者

  • 2014.01–2016.09  QMH球盟会app, 东华大学, 讲师


  • 2022 国家“万人计划”青年拔尖人才

  • 中国高被引学者(2021-至今)

  • 2018  入选德国“洪堡学者”

  • 2016  上海市教学能手

  • 2015  上海晨光学者

  • 2014  上海浦江人才



  • Shen, B., Cao, Y., Minner, S.* 2024. Paying Living Wages in Supply Chains: The Effects of Uncertainties, Coordination, and Competition. Production and Operations Management. In Press.

  • Shen, B., Dong, C.*, Minner, S. (2022). Combating Copycats in the Supply Chain with Permissioned Blockchain Technology. Production and Operations Management. 31(1), 138-154.

  • Shen, B., Xu, X., Yuan, Q.*, 2023. Demand Learning Through Social Media Exposure in the Luxury Fashion Industry: See Now Buy Now vs. See Now Buy Later. IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management. 70(4), 1295 – 1311.

  • Shen, B., Zhang, T.*, Xu, X., Chan, L.*, Choi, T.M., 2022. Pre-ordering in Luxury Fashion: Will Additional Demand Information Bring Negative Effects to the Retailer? Decision Sciences. 53(4), 681-711.

  • Shen, B., Xin, Y., Choi, T.M.*, Zhang, K. 2023. Integration Strategies of Luxury Rental Operations: Is it Wise to Operate with the Manufacturer or Co-operate with the Competitor?. International Journal of Production Research. 61(6), 1898-1912.

  • Shen, B., Cheng, M., Dong, C.*. Xiao, Y. 2023. Battling Counterfeit Masks During the COVID-19 Outbreak: Quality Inspection vs. Blockchain Adoption. International Journal of Production Research. 61(11), 3634-3650

  • Shen, B., Liu, Y., Quan, V., Wen, X.* 2023. Supplying Masks to Combat Respiratory Diseases: Safety Index, Welfare and Government Involvement. International Journal of Production Research. 61(8), 2636-2652.

  • Shen, B., Xu, X. *, Chan, H.L., Choi, T.M., 2021. Collaborative Innovation in Supply Chain Systems: Value Creation and Leadership Structure. International Journal of Production Economics. 235, 108068.

  • Shen, B., Xu, X., & Yuan, Q. (2020). Selling secondhand products through an online platform with blockchain. Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review. 142: 102066.

  • Shen, B., & Chen, C. (2020). Quality management in outsourced fashion supply chains: An exploratory case study. Production and Planning Control. 31(9): 757-769.

  • Shen, B., Cao, Y., & Xu, X. (2020). Product line design and quality differentiation for green and non-green products in a supply chain. International Journal of Production Research. 58(1): 148-164.

  • Shen, B., Xu, X., & Guo, S. (2019). The impacts of logistics services on short life cycle products in a global supply chain. Transportation Research-Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review. 131: 153-167.

  • Shen, B., Choi, T., & Minner, S. (2019). A review on supply chain contracting with information considerations: Information updating and information asymmetry. International Journal of Production Research. 57(15-16): 4898-4936.

  • Shen, B., Choi T., & Chan, H. (2019). Selling green first or not? A bayesian analysis with service levels and environmental impact considerations in the big data era. Technological Forecasting and Social Change. 144: 412-420.

  • Chiu, C., Choi, T., Dai, X., Shen, B., & Zheng, J. (2018). Optimal advertising budget allocation in luxury fashion markets with social influences. Production and Operations Management. 27(8): 1611-1629.


  • 2023-2026   数字中国新格局下数字产业化和产业数字化协同转型机制研究 研究阐释党的二十大精神国家社科基金重点项目 (社科重大转重点)(23AZD030)主持人

  • 2023-2026   考虑社交媒体社会学习的供应链运营策略研究 国家自然科学基金面上项目 (72271050) 主持人

  • 2019-2022   基于社交媒体直播的时尚新产品发布与快速响应供应链研究  国家自然科学基金面上项目(71871051), 主持人

  • 2015-2017   考虑炫耀性消费行为的时装供应链管理  国家自然科学基金青年项目(71401029) 主持人



  • Transportation Research Part E 副编辑 (Associate Editor)     

  • Electronic Commerce Research and Applications高级编辑(Senior Editor)     

  • Sustainable Manufacturing and Service Economics编辑 (Editor)     

  • 担任MSOM, POM, DS, IEEE-TEM, EJOR, IJPR, IJPE,TRE等三十余个国际期刊审稿人     

  • 担任《中国管理科学》等国内期刊审稿人     

  • 国家自然科学基金、瑞士自然科学基金、塞尔维亚自然科学基金、香港研究基金等审稿人