
办公室: 旭日楼701

邮箱: dpj2000@dhu.edu.cn

研究兴趣: 销售计划的优化


  • 董平军, 副教授, 信息管理系副教授管理学博士硕士生导师

  • 中国注册会计师(CPA)协会非执业会员


  • 2011  管理科学与工程学院,东华大学,博士

  • 2000  企业管理,QMH球盟会app,东华大学, 硕士

  • 1996  纺织工程,河北科技大学, 学士


  • 2009.09至今    QMH球盟会app, 东华大学, 副教授

  • 2003.10-2009.09  QMH球盟会app, 东华大学, 讲师

  • 2000.09-2003.09  QMH球盟会app, 东华大学,教学助理


  • 2013  全国教学成果二等奖

  • 2013  上海市教学成果一等奖

  • 2011  csc - ibm中国优秀教师奖学金

  • 2009  上海市教学成果二等奖

  • 2008  csc - ibm中国优秀教师奖学金

  • 2005  全国教学成果二等奖



  • Chen, M., & Dong, P. (2017). Characteristics of online consumer behavior in China. China circulation economy, (02): 80-85.

  • Xue, Y., Chen M., & Dong, P. (2014). Study on regional differences of consumer online shopping preferences in China. Modern Information, (08): 7-13.

  • 董平军. (2008). 基于复杂性认识的新知识观. 科学学研究.

  • 董平军, 王晓锋. (2007). 基于内容管理的电子试卷存档管理方案. 中国教育信息化.

  • 董平军, 王立新. (2007). 高等院校信息化持续改进引导策略. 中国教育信息化.

  • 王宁, 董平军, 王东明. (2007). 内容管理技术在高校学籍档案管理中的应用. 现代图书情报技术.

  • 董平军, 杨保安. (2007). 基于标杆的组织信息化评价-激励模型. 北京工商大学学报.

  • Pan W., & Dong, P. (2002). Research on inventory management system of manufacturing industry based on supply chain management. Journal of Donghua University, (01): 61-65.

  • Dong, P. (2000). Development and application of modern enterprise decision-making simulation system. Application of Computer Systems, (01): 49-50+53.


  • Wang, F. & Dong, P. (2010). Development and evaluation of an experiential learning service in 3D virtual world. Hangzhou, presented at China: IEEE Computer Society.

  • Wang, F. & Dong, P. (2009). The multi-tenant data architecture design for the collaboration service system of textile & apparel supply chain, presented at 5th International Conference on Wireless Communications, Networking and Mobile Computing.

  • Dong, P. & Yang. (2007). Knowledge relevance model based on semantic similarity: towards decision support. Sixth Wuhan International Conference on E-Business, 611-618.

  • Dong, P. & Wang, F. (2007). An intelligent service agent in service-oriented environment, presented at proceedings of the Sixth International Conference on Information and Management Sciences, 19-22.

  • Dong, P. (2006). A systematic explanation of the IT paradox, in, presented at Proceedings of the third advanced forum on e-commerce in China.

  • Ma, B., & Dong, P. (2004). Framework design of intelligent decision support system based on heterogeneous knowledge. presented at proceedings of the annual conference of Chinese control and decision making.

  • Dong, P. & Yang. (2004). The design of isomeric knowledge-based IDSS architecture, presented at proceedings of 2004 Chinese Control and Decision Conference.

  • Dong, P. (2004). Integrated intelligent decision support system in CBR and RBR, presented at conference proceedings of China scientific management Chinese optimization overall planning research method and economic mathematics study and Economic Mathematics.


  • 董平军. (2015). 创业实验-企业经营决策仿真. 北京:北京大学出版社

  • 宋福根, 马彪, 董平军. (2017). 现代企业决策与仿真(十二五国家规划教材). 北京:科学出版社.


  • 2017.01-2017.12  真维斯销售预算整合及仓储运营优化研究,企业咨询项目,主持人

  • 2015.08-2016.12  真维斯网购业务数据分析及运营优化研究项目,企业咨询项目,主持人

  • 2011  服装行业3D建模与创新,IBM资助,参与人

  • 2013  中国特色消费网络调查,国家社科基金项目,参与人


  • 本科生: 管理信息系统,面向对象程序设计,企业决策模拟